Archive for April, 2006

Two and a Half Nuts, One Seriously Pissed Starlet and a Bobble Head in a Pear Tree…

Thursday, April 27th, 2006

I hate to “beat a dead horse,” “jump on the bandwagon,” or harp on a point ad nauseam, but I can’t help myself. Charlie Sheen is the subject of yet another lawsuit; at least this one is a little more cut and dry (to me anyway). This clearly self important woman, Ursula Auburn, has decided […]

Keeping up with the Joneses or Nelsons, whichever

Tuesday, April 25th, 2006

I hate to follow Carol’s thoughtful and inspiring post with hateful gossip, but that is the apparent nature of this site. We go through great moments of piety and then shoot it down with idle chatter. I guess everyone is sort of on a moral rollercoaster; we keep trying to do the right thing but […]

Truly He is Risen

Monday, April 24th, 2006

I love Holy Week and Easter.  I cannot express to you just how much, but I do.  It was quite moving this year, as it always is, but it was a little bit different this time.  I used to be a lector at church; I did it for a long time because I love doing […]

Back to the Beginning

Monday, April 24th, 2006

I guess you’ve noticed I haven’t written in a while. I am told although there aren’t many comments my readers want to hear more, so…After several complaints and an hour’s worth of sunburn courtesy of the bench outside Talbots, I decided perhaps it is time to share again. I used to think my mother-in-law should […]

Tuesdays are officially my new favorite day at least for the next 4 weeks

Wednesday, April 12th, 2006

Between Roni’s new found love on the UPN’s Tuesday night line-up and Nashville Star, Tuesdays have become the TV night to beat for me. If you want a laugh, tune into my Nashville Star video. I didn’t make it on the show, but mostly because I didn’t audition and because I can’t write my own […]

A Random Thought to Ponder

Wednesday, April 5th, 2006

If I am a natural born smart ass and I married a smart ass which admittedly is better than marrying a dumb ass, will I give birth to an uber ass or do two smart asses cancel each other out? Thoughts? Oh and if Katie Couric moves to CBS and nobody watches, does anyone care? […]

“Brevity is the Soul of Wit”

Tuesday, April 4th, 2006

With that in mind, I offer the following observations… Other than Sharon Stone, did any one actually think Basic Instinct 2 was a good idea? I have to admit I am so glad this movie failed, but I have to wonder what was said to the execs to convince them the sequel should be green […]