I’m back…well sort of…

Go on vacation for three weeks and you come back with some pretty entertaining stories, right? Truthfully, yes, but I am sure some of them will get lost in translation. So why am I not sharing? Patience Obi-wan. I have a splitting headache, laundry out the wazoo, major allergies, and about 20 different errands to run. Believe it or not, these are carefully crafted posts which actually take time to bring to fruition. I left Weezie in charge during my absence and look where that got me-not even a holla for Veronica being renewed for a 3rd season! I promise to try and get out something funny by tomorrow. In the meantime, NBC is helping me keep you entertained by having a 4 episode mini marathon of The Office tonight. Tune in and check out one of my favorite episodes when Jim with Pam’s help convinces Dwight it is Friday. In a word: Priceless!

On a completely un-funny and possibly morbidly serious note, today was Fr. Michael’s birthday. It is hard to believe it has been nearly a year since we lost someone so dear. Take a moment to remember him in your prayers and most importantly cherish the memories you have of your loved ones. Even if you never met Michael or heard him preach, he can teach you something through his death. Don’t take for granted, pray for each other, help each other, you are not alone even when it feels like you are, even the worst day can be a great blessing, say what is in your heart because this may be your last chance, love often with great grace, and most importantly-hope…

Before I get us all depressed, go into you kitchen, bring back your beverage of choice (Shiner Bock if you are a purist) and join with me in a toast and a devious little smile…”To Fr. Michael…we shall never forget.”

One Response to “I’m back…well sort of…”

  1. Weezie Says:

    OH, you are going to make me cry! I did that once already today. I went to Mass at lunchtime for him. My friend here at work picked up some food for me since I went to church, and she’s been checking in on me all day. Too sweet…

    I’m sad…

    Looking forward to a couple of cold ones this evening while I kick back and watch The Office. I need to run to Target and get a bunch of stuff, and I should go work out, but that’s not happening (the working out part). I’ll probably hit Target just b/c it’s a mood booster and I got paid yesterday, so I can buy crap, you know?

    I thought about posting today, but decided not to. I can’t wait to hear about your trip. Your message cracked me up the other day–opossum anyone?! I’m also waiting to see our belated b-day present for Brandon. Maybe you should call me after The Office tonight! (hint hint)

    To Michael…