Intelligence Is A Factor For Me
Okay, you got me; I like Fear Factor. The show can be gross at times, but it is addicting. I’ll start off by admitting, I will eat almost anything for $50,000, but you better guarantee my ass is going home with a prize. Where do they find these idiots who are willing to eat buffalo testicles and pig uteruses for a CHANCE at $50 grand? Are you kidding me? You don’t even know what you have to do the next day; it could be something you’re not even willing to attempt!
What’s up with $50 grand anyway? They have millions of dollars to give away on every stinking episode of the Weakest Link and those retards can’t even remember to say “bank” and earn some of it. At least invest that money in some pure sport. Give it to these insane people who are willing to humiliate themselves on national television for a shot at a crappy prize.
There’s one girl in particular who stands out in my mind as probably THE biggest loser they had on the show. She was 4th in line to play skee ball. Whatever score she rolled was how many pig uteruses she had to eat. The three contestants before her had tried and failed to eat theirs, so all she had to do was eat hers, and she was guaranteed $25,000. I might have agreed with her if she’d said, “no way that’s just too gross”, but she ate three of them before she quit, and SHE WAS GUARANTEED $25,000! Since no one completed the challenge, all four of them got to come back the next day and attempt the final stunt for a chance at the other $25,000. Lucky for her, she actually managed to win that day. But wouldn’t you feel stupid if you could’ve had twice as much money if you’d just gone ahead and finished eating the pig uterus? Worse yet, what if she hadn’t won at all? Then, all she’d have is a stomach full of the three pig uteruses she did eat and absolutely nothing to show for it.
As for Joe Rogan, he’s such an jerk, but I love him. Though, I do have to wonder how no one has kicked his ass for being such a prick. Not cussing him out would be my hardest task on the show. I will say I did gain respect for him when he ate the hissing cockroach from Madagascar on the celebrity episode. That proves he is not just spouting off, he actually has the balls to attempt the stunts. The most important thing to remember, though, is HE’S GETTING PAID.
One last thing, I feel it is important for me to go on record stating, I do not, repeat do not, think I could win on Fear Factor. If the stars were alligned just right, and the stunts were ideal, and the other contestants were wimps, maybe, just maybe, I’ve got a shot at winning. Honestly, most of what I see I wouldn’t even attempt for a chance at winning a MILLION dollars, so the chances of me walking away victorious are slim at best. For now, I’ll just keep tuning in Monday nights to see the stupid among us vie for their 15 minutes of infamy.