Catching Up

Sorry for the lack of posts this past week. I had a house full of guests, so I didn’t get around to writing here. It is amazing how four kids can break your concentration. Allow me a brief moment to congratulate my brother (and a frequent reader here), Vince, on his wedding today. I am so happy for both you and Donna. Sorry I couldn’t be there to share in your joy, but may you remain as happy as you are today through all of your life.

Now on to business, did anyone see the story about the old woman in Ohio who received the Mother’s Day card from her son late? Not a few weeks late, years late. 41 years and 3 weeks late to be exact. And it came postage due!! Our postal service sickens me. They are 41 years late delivering a card and they want her to pay the increase in postage. What? Thank goodness this poor woman’s son is still alive. He mailed it when he was stationed in Germany in 1961, where it has been since is anyone’s guess. I shudder to think of receiving a card from a loved one who died while in service to his country, or for that matter in a car crash years later. A lot of things can happen to a person in 41 years. I guess late is better than never, but postage due after 41 years? Perhaps our postal service should consider damage control and more reliable service before they put that upcoming rate hike into effect. I, for one, will seek a more timely service to deliver my packages.

2 Responses to “Catching Up”

  1. Heather Says:

    I remember 6-7 years ago a couple of semi trailers were found just outside the capitols’ beltway, stuffed full of undelivered mail. The few that were caught said it was because there was just too much, and they got further and further behind. I found it unbelievable in this day and age, where alot of people are cheered up by recieving a letter or a card. What if it’s really important? You’ve made a good point, I think. Too many times, we’ve been screwed on prices, or delays, and the one time there’s a piece of mail dated 1960’s, you’d have the gall to ask for more money ? I’d think they’d be too embrrassed. Sure.

  2. Vince Lunsford Says:

    Thanks for the best wishes on our wedding day. We just got in from our honeymoon,had a wonderful time!! Townsend was beautiful. Back to the old grind tomorrow. I remember years back, a hermit mailman died, had a three bedroom house full of mail, from way back. There was cards, love letters marriage proposals,etc. all throughout the house! Most of it was from back in the forties, during WWII. They said he wasn’t delivering any personal mail, just bills and magazine subscription,etc. Everything nobody wanted!! The postal service has always been on the ball!! Well gotta go. Will write again soon. Love Ya, Vince