Archive for June, 2002

See You In Line

Thursday, June 6th, 2002

Tomorrow’s the big day. Line up and get ’em while they’re hot. The brand new $.37 stamps go on sale tomorrow, and I know you can’t wait to get your hot little hands on them. The post office expects us to believe this new rate hike has something to do with increased equipment costs due […]

Sound The Alarm

Wednesday, June 5th, 2002

It is no wonder our kids have gone crazy; this world is insane. A seventh grader at a school in Euclid, OH was sent to the principal’s office and ordered to spend several hours in detention for inhaling helium from a balloon. I wouldn’t be writing here if I thought he was just being punished […]

Guest Rant

Monday, June 3rd, 2002

I don’t usually post other people’s gripes, I make them comment on mine, but I happen to really like the person who sent this to me and I agree with her. Plus, I have my own issues with her story… “I have a rant of my own. (We) went to McDonald’s yesterday, and ordered, you […]

Catching Up

Saturday, June 1st, 2002

Sorry for the lack of posts this past week. I had a house full of guests, so I didn’t get around to writing here. It is amazing how four kids can break your concentration. Allow me a brief moment to congratulate my brother (and a frequent reader here), Vince, on his wedding today. I am […]