Yes, Veronica, There is a Santa Clause

I can’t sleep and I am sick of message boards, so here I am changing the format of this site yet again. I am also well past tired of being snarky about stupid shit, so welcome inside my head. Be afraid, be very afraid.

I am unemployed, angry and opinionated, not to mention incredibly funny, inappropriate, and hot. Well I guess the last three of those are a matter of opinion. Anyway, I laugh, a lot, especially when I am with my niece, Weezie. We share a brain and apparently most major life experiences as well, even though we live 900 miles apart (she does have a job though). We both have pain in the ass husbands we are totally in love with yet utterly perplexed by. We both have long bouts with lingering doubts, insane thoughts constantly running through our heads and seriously fucked-up views of the world and yet people still say they want to be us. We are torn between our devotion and loyalty and our general desire to rule the world through utter coolness and popularity. Bet you can’t guess which one is winning? Ultimately we are both good people with really bad attitudes who think of ourselves as really bad people with even worse attitudes. Can you say Catholic guilt? Yet I wouldn’t change it for the world. Actually, I have had my fair share of chances, but I always end up right back here, in personal banishment. Usually, I am pretty happy about it except I am always getting myself in trouble, damn my big mouth! Did I mention I can’t lie? I am terrible at it, always have been. But I am a decent actor which is weird because acting is one big lie, but as long as I am pretending to be someone else, I guess it works. Maybe that is my problem I don’t know where the acting ends and the living begins.

I started this blog as a young pup ready to take on the idiots of the world, but as it turns out we are all idiots. I just seem to end up on the right side of the argument most of the time. What can I say; the definition of actor is egomaniac. And so it begins…the crazy journey into my mind. So, your homework for this evening is to watch Veronica Mars! I know, where’d that come from? I told you my mind was a scary place! My husband says I am obsessed, but since my friend committed suicide, it has really been the only bright spot of my summer, watching bootleg downloads (of a DVD I preordered) with Weezie for 22 hours straight. All right we took a FEW breaks. I promise you, the show is that good, and if you aren’t into downloads and can’t wait until October 11th, check out Television Without Pity. On second thought, check it out anyway. You owe it to yourself. Couch Baron will knock your socks off. He left me wondering if I am secretly a 35 year old “super fine” guy from New York. Well not so much, but he does share a lot of my opinions on the show, and he is masterful at being snarky which kinda makes him my hero. Me, I’m still working on my attitude; I need a little less bitch and a little more finesse. Every girl has to have a dream….

One Response to “Yes, Veronica, There is a Santa Clause”

  1. Weezie Says:

    Oh! You put the link to Fr. Bazzell’s homily on here! So awesome…I swear, I hope when I die I have a friend like him to say things in such a beautiful and eloquent way. What an amazing tribute to Michael…I could not have said it better myself.
    Meanwhile, VERONICA MARS ROCKS!!! Come on season premiere! Who is at the door?
    Oh, cool…I just ate an animal cracker and it was a really cute turtle! I know, so random, but isn’t that the point of this site?