OK, a couple of things: first of all, I hate repeats–unless, of course, I missed the episode the first time around. But, that doesn’t apply to Veronica Mars b/c I don’t miss it. I’m experiencing withdrawal symptoms…but I totally watched the rerun anyway! I’m such a dork and I know it. And, did you ever notice how when they do show repeats of a show, they never repeat the episode you missed?! I wonder why it is that I can watch a show one time, like, ever and then the next time I’m bored or something and turn that show on again, it’s the same episode! What is the deal with that? I think I’ve seen the same episode of Everybody Loves Raymond at least 4 times!
Secondly, I went home for lunch today and was flipping between an old episode of Another World on SoapNet–I have to come clean: I totally TIVO it every day!–and Days of Our Lives. Can I just say how bothered I am by how creepy “Dr. North” is? It’s like, Roman Brady isn’t supposed to be creepy! I can only watch a few seconds of Days at a time b/c it irritates me. Is Carrie really coming back?
Meanwhile, I’m totally getting sick. I woke up yesterday, out of the blue, with a scratchy throat and coughing my head off. I can’t wait to get off work and go crawl in bed! I have entirely too much to do to be sick right now!
November 7th, 2005 at 4:48 pm
Apparently, I don’t even read my own website that often because I so just noticed this.
Anyway, I am with you on the repeats especially since I think I have seen that same episode of Raymond at least a dozen times! I was watching the TV Land Marathon of “What’s Happening” this weekend and out of the couple of hours I caught, I managed to see the two part “very special episode” feauturing the Doobie Brothers twice. You know , the one where Rerun gets tricked into illegally taping their concert in exchange for front row tickets. Ah the good ole days of piracy!
As for your soap confession, if I had SoapNet I would totally be with you, but my husband is too cheap to spring for digital cable, so I am stuck with basic. I did stay up until 4AM when I was in Bama to catch it at my mom’s house. Did they get to the gross sex scene with Evan and Amanda yet? I still have bad dreams about that one! Last time I saw it they were wrapping up the Red Swan storyline and Rachel and Mitch were locked up somewhere, so Amanda had to go to New York in her place. Guess who was there waiting for her. Yuck. Although he does seem cuter than I remembered him. At any rate, LOVE Another World (singing theme song in my head)! I’ll wait for you all to hum quietly along and catch up.
You are right, Dr. North is creepy! Make it stop! Make it stop! I’d rather see possessed Marlena again. And John’s acting hasn’t improved any, sadly neither has Belle’s. Right again, Carrie is back this month and you know what that means, triangle or is it square time for Austin! Much like Veronica, he really just needs to pick one and stick with it! Plus didn’t she leave with the creepy Mike Horton? Maybe he was just a bad dream and they never recast Michael T. Weiss.
Everyone is sick all of the sudden, stay away from me, I don’t want it!!!
November 7th, 2005 at 4:52 pm
Oh I forgot, new Veronica this week! Crazy Haaron is back! Also I have major scoopage on an upcoming plot twist. Rob Thomas and the cast or at least some of the cast are having a fan marathon in Texas. We could watch all 22 episodes again and get a sneak peak at a new episode! Wanna go???
November 8th, 2005 at 11:39 am
Yes, please! Texas, here we come!
I was going to add to my post b/c over the weekend, I found another perfect example of my whole repeat problem: the Sandra Bernhard episode of Will & Grace. I don’t even watch Will & Grace–the other day it came on after something else I’d been watching and I was too lazy to change the channel. Anyway, I’m not kidding–I’ve seen that one like 6 times, or something. Actually, I have to point out that Karen at her stepkid’s swim meet and Jack in the bidding war with the jr. high kid over “Britney Spears’ platform sneakers” are the best parts of that episode.
Amanda and Evan haven’t done anything yet, but it’s coming. Yuck! Right now, Evan is in Lassiter with Vicky after she took Stephen from the Cory mansion on Thanksgiving. You are right–Evan is a lot less creepy than I remembered, but I’m almost positive that the recast Evan later on down the line is the one who was really yucky.
And, don’t even get me started on the Carrie/Mike thing again b/c she was like, still a child when he and Robin (wasn’t that her name) hooked up back in the day. And Austin was totally cracking me up the other day when he hired Nicole and he was all, “Can’t we all just get along???” and all hug-a-bunches with her and Sami. That show kills me…
And, I’m ready for Veronica tomorrow night! Yea! Stop reading ahead, Aimee! You promised you were going to quit–don’t make me call an intervention!