Hail To The Chief
The President of the United States of America paid a visit to C-town today and gave a speech here at my work; it was a traffic nightmare, and the talk of the town. Like him or hate him, it was an honor to have him here. The best part of the day was the lively bunch of people excercizing their 1st Amendment rights by protesting out front. I have nothing against protesters, ok I do, but they do have the right to express their opinions just like me. I just find it odd, today’s group couldn’t pick a single subject to objest to. There were about 20 of them total and from what I could tell, at least 15 different subjects were being protested from the war in Afghanistan to school vouchers, and NAFTA to social security benefits; there was definitely a myriad of groups represented. Too bad the President never saw them. Doesn’t everybody know dignitaries never enter through the front doors? On top of that, they were the most pathetic group of protesters I ever saw. To make themselves seem like a larger group, some of them had double sided signs, others simply traded signs with the person opposite them, so when they were on camera it would look like there were more of them. It was quite humorous from above. It almost made me wish I had a water balloon, but I am not that mean and they did have a right to be there, so I can’t be but so mad. Actually, I kind of miss their incessant chanting of “fast track is a slippery slope, fast track is a slippery slope” especially since they all kept getting tongue tied and it sounded more like “far um et um sery soap, far um et um sery soap”. Way to make C-town look good on the evening news! These guys were one very small step up from my favorite picketers, the lazy, beer drinking, slovenly protesters outside my local K-mart (they are bankrupt guys, what else do you want?). I can’t wait to see these jokers make the evening news. God Bless America…