Now, I’m Pissed
May 7th, 2002 8:48pmI got my first credit card right after high school, and I was so excited, it had a crappy limit, but at least I could afford to have a few things for my dorm. I had a store card before, but my first major credit card was a Discover card. These days money’s not so tight, I am married now, and I don’t really use credit cards much anymore (I’m in debt enough owning a home, I don’t need a credit card company breathing down my neck). Lately, people that call into my job have been complaining about Discover card and their horrible customer service. Today, I got a little taste of my own.
I don’t have a $ 20,000 limit or anything, but there is a LOT of room (comparatively) on my card. I got a message today from the woman who was working the comic book stand in the lobby of the movie theater where I saw Spider-man on Friday. She said my credit card had declined. I’m thinking are you crazy? The shirt was $16, type it in again. But she says it was declined, so, I call Discover. I get this guy appropriately named Dick, he says I owe them $90.96 from last month and they decline everyone who is past due no matter what.
First let me start by saying, if I had received the bill, I would have paid the bill, but I only use my Discover card when I go to Sam’s Club and I don’t even remember going there recently (turns out it was on March 16th, yeah I remember that, wouldn’t you?). Second, the alleged bill was due May 5th; it’s not like it was weeks over due, it was barely days over due. Enough “past due” that they already accessed a late fee of $15, but they can’t spot me $16 for a t-shirt? They know where I live. I own the house, it’s not like I’m going anywhere. Even so, I’m not past due thousands of dollars and trying to buy a car with the damn card, I allegedly owe $90 and I haven’t even seen the bill. But to make matters worse, Dick, as he is so aptly named, suggests I go to and set myself a reminder e-mail so I don’t forget to pay again. He is lucky there was a telephone and theoretically thousands of miles between us because if we’d been face to face, he’d have swallowed that receiver. Set myself a reminder? How ’bout you remind yourself to bill me or the psychos at the Post Office to deliver it? I pay my bills on time every month and that counts for nothing; they just “dick” you around because they can.
Screw Discover card, who needs them anyway? They should worry about getting accepted in more stores before they worry about declining long time customer’s purchases. Writing this blog just makes me hope the old addage is true: the average satisfied customer will tell 5 people, the average dissatisfied customer will tell 20 people or more. You guys already know and once I tell my co-workers I’m above average for once. At least one good thing came out of this nonsense.
The icing on the cake of this whole debacle is, when I actually go to, I view my statement and decide to fill out the on line customer service form. Can’t hurt, right? Wrong. I type the whole thing out and hit submit, and I get an error message that says I was inactive for too long and they logged me out for my protection. Inactive? I was typing a tirade. My fingers were moving a mile a minute. Never fear, I was expecting to get screwed, and I’m not stupid, so I copied it before I sent it. This time, I win.