My Life Is Brilliant

February 10th, 2006 2:19pm

You know I was mostly kidding about yesterday’s Torino mini rant, but something hysterical (to me anyway) happened as a result of it. I called my mother and as usual, she was busy yelling at everyone else in the house instead of actually listening to me. I used to hope becoming an adult would change that, but I guess it is nice to know it was just me all along. Anyway, I mentioned I had updated my blog and all of the sudden, interest. She’s curious what it says, so I start breaking it down for her real quick before Brian Williams says something else she hasn’t heard 12 times already on MSNBC. So I start with my Torino complaint and she is silent. I’m thinking what, did I offend her? And then she says, “I have no idea what you are talking about. They haven’t said anything about that on MSNBC”. I repeated my complaint about Turin being the Americanized version of Torino and it was all a marketing ploy to go with Torino. To which she added, “Are you crazy? I don’t even think they are the same place. The Olympics are being held where they found the Shroud? This is the first I have heard of it. You must be mistaken”. After I assured her that my blog wasn’t based on mindless rumor mongering and I did in fact base my rants on actual useless knowledge I had acquired (I don’t work for Star magazine you know.), she said she had to get off the phone to go and see if they were talking about any of this on MSNBC. Really mom? You can’t take my word for it? I know Lester Holt is a pretty reliable guy and all but for God’s sake, you birthed me! So to all of you out there, I did not make up any of my facts. Turin is indeed Torino and yes they found the Shroud there and no I highly doubt most Americans have any idea they are the same place or furthermore what country it is in. My sarcasm and thus my anger lies in the fact that though I believe we should refer to the host city by its actual name; I believe we should do it out of respect for the host city and their culture, not because we can hock more t-shirts and boost NBC’s ratings.

I’ll be back with my aforementioned rant for the day. For some strange reason my husband is really looking forward to it. Guess I know what gets in his craw.

Anybody wanna buy some snow?

February 9th, 2006 6:02pm

It is February and it is snowing, Carol rescinded the “fugly” remark, and Logan and Veronica have returned to their snarky natures-ah, everything is right with the world again and I got a little bonus whipped cream on top of my sundae. Well, all right, not everything is right with the world my husband is out of town for his birthday, I’m still overweight, and NBC won’t shut up about their Turin coverage. That’s right, you heard me Turin. If I can call Paris “Paris” and not “Pari” then Turin it is. The worst part is they are only calling it Torino here because some marketing ass thought it sounded cooler. I know what the natives call it and guess what, I’m not a native, I’m a card carrying stupid American. Remember, we are brash and insensitive. We are busy trying to impose our ideals on everybody else. You’d think if we were so annoying and hypocritical, people would stop trying to come here, but guess what INS and the border patrols are still jumpin’, so either it is just me or a lot of you out there have a secret desire to be a stupid Americans, too.

Anyway, back on track. James Franco is hot! James Franco is Hot On that we can all agree, well almost all. Matt is still ignoring me, unless of course he has been in a horribly disfiguring accident and no one has informed me. I have weird dreams and apparently they are almost always going to involve my grade school nemesis, James Brodgen. No Brandon, they are NOT sexual in nature, although I have no doubt you can find a way to twist them that way. And no, he was NOT the subject of my previously described weird dream, but he does show up a lot. Which my mother used to say meant you were supposed to pray for them. I’m not discounting this theory, but why would God want me to pray for someone so much that He would randomly inspire me to incorporate a person I have not seen in at least 13 years into my bizarre dream world? Last night he was singing, ok and that is not a pretty sight. Actually, it was funny as hell, and I am seriously glad I remember it. Sadly I joined in the song in an effort to cheer up Kitty Sweeney. That part I wish I would have forgotten. But at least we all had a laugh marching down memory lane. I’ve got to get more fiber in my diet, or start taking vitamins or something. Maybe I should see Sylvia Browne, I’m not with her on the past life thing, but maybe she can get to the bottom of my mystery dreams.

Let’s take a vote, who wants Emilie Cooper to write something incredibly witty yet shockingly snarky for us?…I do!!! And let’s be honest the rest of your votes don’t count; this website is not a democracy. I’m just kidding…well, maybe.

So the Grammys were on last night and honestly I didn’t care for the most part, especially since Veronica Mars was also on. I was disappointed when I heard Madonna was opening the show because I am so over her and her theatrics. I was even more disappointed when I heard the opening was an animated duet featuring the Gorillaz (even though I dig that song). But I do have to say, “Damn, that woman has a smokin body”! If I looked that, I would wear a leotard everywhere I went. You know she could get away with it. I wish for one moment of one day, I looked half that tight, but then I’d definitely have to give it up because I would get seriously hungry and I really hate yoga.

Veronica rocked last night. How much do I love Wallace? And Beaver? And Mac? And Snark!!!! Logan was on fire last night even if he did get a haircut. Speaking of hair, is this kinder, gentler Uncle Eli with no facial hair and worse yet, hair, here to stay? I’m all for Weevil lovin’, but Francis, save us!!!! Shave your head and give us a little 5 o’clock shadow already! Oh, and Dick, watch your back hon, with Beaver and Mac teamed up, they will rule Neptune if not the world. Good thing for Veronica they both like her. And how great was Logan finishing up torturing the prime witness against him just in time to catch Dick making out with a shemale courtesy of the dream team. I love this show!!!

Tune in tomorrow as we discuss the meaning of “open 24 hours” and the “one day sale” because obviously there is some serious confusion about these terms.

Since You’ve Been Gone

February 6th, 2006 7:51pm

So, I have been gone for a while. My friends have abandoned me and I recently found out Carol thinks James Franco is “fugly”. How dare she speak about my future husband that way! Alright, I don’t have a shot in hell with him, but he did offer me a turkey sandwich from the craft services table when I accidentally wandered on “the set” when he was filming on the streets of New Orleans. Don’t worry, I’m not bragging; he doesn’t even know I am alive and I didn’t even have the foresight to steal the sandwich he was eating and offer it up on ebay. Course only Freaks and Geeks fans like me knew who he was back then. I had to keep telling passersby that he was awesome and they’d all be kicking themselves once Spider-man came out. Ok, apparently all but Carol.

Enough about yesteryear, I will catch you up on my life at the present moment. I turned 31, Jarrod turned 18, my newest great nephew, Nathan was born January 12th, I spent the better part of 5 days in Columbus, GA babysitting/spoiling/envying my great niece Juliana(see photo). Then her mother, Carol and I all had a Veronica Mars viewing/birthday party for me. Did I mention I got in a fight with my sister and made up with my other one? Ah family drama, but if you can manage a war with at least one family member it really cuts down on phone bills and present buying. It really is too bad I am going to have to crush my own sister like a bug though. If I had more time, I would explain why, but for now, suffice it to say I am right and Captain Asshole has officially converted her to the dark side.

I have so much catching up to do. I still haven’t seen Shannon, never caught up with Matt, have no idea what is going on with Greta, haven’t had Jim and his wife over for church, and the jury is still out on Mr. Soroka. Also Emily has a new boyfriend and I got to meet him; he seems very nice and not too shabby in the looks department either. As for my occasional guest, confidant and converted Veronica Mars Fan, Emilie, unlike some people, SHE has my back on this James Franco thing. I smell a new coauthor brewing!!!

Lastly, for those of you who say this blog is Veronica Mars obsessed, I will have you know others who run similar blogs and for some strange reason are perceived as better at it (probably because they have more than 10 faithful readers, but I love you guys) were surprised by Rob Thomas and flown to Neptune (err San Diego I presume) CA to go on set. I knew I should have gone to the AustinMarsathon for my birthday! ARGH! Alas, I probably had more fun in Columbus anyway. Seriously, how great has this season been? Love me some Wallace!!! And so grateful Logan is getting to speak again!!! Cheers…

Juliana and Aimee

Spoiled Rotten

January 6th, 2006 1:30pm

Yep, that’s me…I am such a brat. Don’t get me wrong, I could never be one of those girls on like, “My Super Sweet 16” or “Daddy’s Spoiled Little Girl”. I’m not spoiled in a material sort of way; I’m just spoiled. Let me explain.

Last night, I had to go grocery shopping. I don’t mind it if I have a partner in crime. It’s so much more fun that way; as a matter of fact, I actually enjoy it when my husband and I go together. However, for some reason, I’ve been dreading it this time and have been trying to force myself to the store for about a week now. Also, I have been begging Wes to go with me, and he’s agreed to do so, but has put me off a few times (which is why it took a week for me to finally go).

So, Wes calls me yesterday and tells me, “Sorry, I have to work late. We can go after I get home later.” This was after calling me the night before to tell me that “the boys” were having a get together for the National Championship game and he REALLY wanted to go even though he’d promised to go grocery shopping. He also couldn’t understand why it was such a big deal–“It’s just grocery shopping…” he said. A girl knows better than that. I was like, “Are you kidding?! ER is new tonight (by the way I have commentary on that as well) and by the time you get home at 8:00, I will be comfy and cozy in front of the TV in my pajamas!” So, I left work last night and headed to the store in my 3 inch heels. Now, some would say, “Why wouldn’t you just run home and change?” The answer is simple–if I’d gotten home, I wouldn’t have left! So anyway, I walked around the store for an hour and a half pushing $150 worth of groceries around and totally stressing trying to stay within my budget.

Normally, Wes is the one who loads all the groceries into the car and brings them in when we get home. My part of the job is to put them away once we get into the house, which is great for me b/c it gives me a chance to organize (organizing is one of my favorite things to do–yes, I am Monica Gellar, “Crazy Plate Lady”). So, it took me five trips, in my 3 inch heels, down the “Drunk Man’s Gauntlet” which is the walkway to my house. It’s a slight hill with big, slippery, uneven stones–I’ve busted my butt more than once and I was sober! So, by the time I got into the house after all the loading and unloading, I was pretty pissed and swearing that I was going to kill my husband.

It was at this moment that I realized how spoiled I am. Boo freaking hoo–poor me, I actually have money to buy groceries; have a car to get me to and from the store; have a job to leave in the evenings and to go to every morning; have a home with with heat, electricity, etc.; have my health to be able to get out of bed every morning and walk around in my 3 inch heels; have a husband who would do just about anything for me and who came home and let me pout about his not going to the store with me…so spoiled…

Meanwhile, could ER (and everyone else, to be quite honest–have they talked about anything but abortion on West Wing this year? And, does anyone other than me still watch that show?!) be shoving the whole abortion issue down our throats any more than they were last night? I mean, really, give it a rest PLEASE. I’m glad they had Abby choose to keep the baby, obviously. But, that didn’t come without the usual take of PRO-LIFE (not “anti-choice” or “anti-abortion” which gives the connotation that the fact that we are PRO-LIFE is a negative thing) Christians as complete freaks on their way to blow up another abortion clinic. You know, what would really be “original” and “compelling” would be a TV show actually portraying those who are PRO-LIFE as normal human beings who are intelligent and rational, not ignorant and fanatical and straight up creepy. Newsflash: There are just as many creepy, ignorant, and irrational pro-choice folks out there as there are PRO-LIFE ones.

3 posts in 1 day, that has got to be some kind of record…

December 19th, 2005 4:49pm

…for me anyway.

I just had to jump back online to congratulate Time Magazine for naming Bono, and Bill and Melinda Gates as co-persons of the year. Way to be politically correct and timely all rolled into one! Seriously Camilla Parker Bowles was busy? A few years ago Time editors mentioned Osama Bin Laden had been considered for the Man of the Year title because it was not so much an honor as a reflection of who was on the minds of everyone. At the time, I would agree most people around the world were talking about or thinking about him at least in response to his actions. If this was their justification for including the unlikely choice, then why Bono? Or the Gates’ for that matter? Other than Bono, who is talking about him? No one likes to hear Bono talk more than Bono. I am not going to argue the merits of his actions, certainly he has done good and his ego has not suffered for it. What I am tired of is his attitude. He leads a rock band not a nation. I am glad he wants to help, and I appreciate celebrities using their status to give back, but if he wants to be a politician I suggest he take a cue from Arnold. I don’t think the world would miss U2’s shitty new records (after all we have Coldplay for that) so Bono should have plenty of time to run for elected office in the country of his choosing. Well, provided they have elected governments, but I am sure he could find away to get appointed in those that don’t. As for Time magazine, I wish they would throw journalistic integrity to the wind and hire Babs to write a very special cover story. They could rename the issue Wacko of the Year and in a surprise twist Tom Cruise would beat out Michael Jackson for the coveted title. Don’t lie you would much rather read that issue. Aimee knows the real truth. Until then, I hear magazines make excellent kindling. Ok, I made that up…
At least I thought I did, Taine just corrected me and he assures me they do.

As if my Christmas wasn’t already in the crapper

December 19th, 2005 2:21am

I just found out the brain trust at FOX decided not to air anymore episodes of Reunion. They are not even airing all 13 as previously stated. Crap. Total crap. All we fans can cling to is the hope the WB will pick it up.

3 things we can all do to help:

1. Vote for it on Krisitn’s Save one Show poll. Put “Reunion” in the subject line and email to

2. Email the WB and tell them that you would like to have them pick up Reunion. Their email is

3. Sign the online petition to save Reunion. There are over 20,000 signatures and is ranked 2nd most active petition online. That link is:

Tell your friends…

Are you sure you want to know?

December 19th, 2005 2:05am

So I keep hearing I haven’t written for a while. Sure I have my excuses, I was in Alabama for a week and a half, it is the holidays, blah, blah, blah, Read the rest of this entry »

Hello, My Name is Aimee, and I’m a Television Addict

November 29th, 2005 11:58pm

Or if you prefer, couch potato…

I know, people are dying, the world sucks and all I think about is TV. I don’t mean to be selfish, but I am. I suppose I could say it is a character flaw. Or perhaps my own personal kryptonite? If it’s on TV, chances are, I have seen it and most probably became emotionally attached to it.

Case in point, those bastards at FOX cancelled one of my favorite guilty pleasures, Reunion! First of all I love the show, but even if it was the worst show ever conceived, the strategy doesn’t make sense. I am sick and tired of networks giving us episodic shows surrounding a central mystery and then not seeing them through. You want to know why people aren’t watching? There is your answer. In fact I hesitated to watch Veronica Mars last year because I read the premise of a season long mystery and was so disheartened by the endings of shows like The Pretender and John Doe, I just couldn’t bring myself to become invested in another show with no resolution. Thus began my downloading and 22 hour viewing obscession. Perhaps my hardened heart was weakened by UPN giving my girl another go ’round, but I decided to give the Fox exec’s another try this year. See what it got me? Pissed off, that’s what. I understand the numbers game, and I can totally get behind them not renewing a show like Reunion next year. It is definitely a concept piece, but in the same breath if you go with an idea for a show like 24 hours of one day over the course of an entire season, then you owe it to the show to see it through. At the very least, cancel it 2 episodes in; don’t get us hooked and promise us 20 episodes spanning 20 years leading to the resolution of the murder of a main character, and then pull it after 13!!! Now viewership will go down, and the exec’s will point to that to say they were right to pull the plug. All it really proves is you pissed off the fans, and we are not going to bother watching while you give us questions we know will never be answered. Take that Push, Nevada!

Meanwhile, I am suffering from Earl withdrawl. I need my weekly redneck fix coupled by the world’s funniest paper supply company. Instead we got a heaping helping of weight loss courtesy of The Biggest Loser. I should start by saying congraulations to all of the contestants (well almost all, 1 didn’t show up and 1 didn’t appear to lose any weight); they looked great. As a fat person myself, they almost inspired me to lose weight, but who am I kidding? I will never choose grilled veggies over pasta, and I am proud of it. Anyway, I was totally inspired (emotionally anyway) by their stories and the fact that most of them were genuinely nice human beings, especially Pete and Dr. Jeff. I was glad to see those who got voted out had really kept off the weight, and even more glad to see Pete (my favorite) win $100,000. I do find it funny that he lost the most weight (by percentage) out off all of the contestants, but couldn’t win the grand prize because he had been voted off. I predicted a win by Matt and as usual (haha) was right. I was really glad Seth didn’t win; I am sure he is a nice person and they just portrayed him as a dick sometimes, but he annoyed me. I always wanted to hate Suzy, but I always managed to like her anyway, so I was glad to see her win some prize money as well, although her biggest prize are those smokin’ hot guns she built. I would kill for arms like that. Madonna ain’t got nothin’ on her.

Lastly, my good friends at Fox delivered up the fall finale of Prison Break this week. Initially, I watched it because of the good online buzz, the incredibly fine Wentworth Miller, and the prospect of seeing my old buddy, John Doe aka Dominic Purcell, on TV again. Then it became a phenonmenon. Everybody’s talking about it; they all have a theory on when the actual “prision break” should occur. There are those who can’t believe it didn’t happen now. Those who don’t think it should happen at all. Those who think the show will “jump the shark” as soon as it does. And those fully expecting it at the end of this year’s season, whenever that is. A few weeks ago the rumor mill didn’t have the show returning again until May after 24 wraps up. Fans got wind of this, staged a revolt, and now it is scheduled to return in March. Guess it turned out to be a pretty good space keeper for 24’s time slot. Here’s hoping 24’s numbers don’t come in low. The ever intelligent Fox scheduling department might have to pull the plug mid season and replace it with an American Idol recap show since Simon Cowell just inked a deal to stay on another 5 years. Can I just say how played out that show is?! The fact that the cancellation of Reunion is linked in part to the rescheduling of that crap absolutely incenses me. All I can say is I hope everyone will join me in watching CSI instead of that suckfest and the rest of Fox’s Thursday night line-up. Yes, I mean you O.C. fan…you know who you are!!!

Ok, I totally lied, that wasn’t the last thing. I just read, Barbara Walters, on top of including creepy Tom Cruise on her annual list of most fascinating people chose Camilla Parker Bowles as the Most Fascinating Person of 2005. What the Taco Bell dog was busy? She never heard back from the director of FEMA? Seriously, I hear Robert Blake is available these days. I am beginning to think Babs might be smoking some medicinal mary j because this year’s list is seriously whack. Worse than her choice is the reason behind the choice, Camilla’s willingness to “stand by her man” cue Tammy Wynette. She actually referred to her as loyal and faithful and patient with her man. Hello loyal? As for patient, you’d have to be when you are both married to other people! Are you kidding me, I am supposed to find her fascinating for carrying on a 30 year affair in poor taste with the leader of her country? Just because she is too old to be considered a whore and things worked out for her because Charles finally decided to “make an honest woman out of her” doesn’t make her fascinating. It makes her extremely lucky if you can call it that. Some say fate smiled on their union and allowed them to get together. I think it proves fate has a sense of humor and what they say about there being someone for everyone must be true. At any rate it is not my place to judge her or her actions and that really isn’t the issue. My problem is with Barbara’s increasingly boring list. She seems to choose people most of us could care less about or are fascinated by in the same sense as we are a train wreck. If Time Magazine names Kanye West Person of the Year or A&E decides to chose Dakota Fanning as biography of the year, it qualifies as an epidemic. Did I mention she also chose Teri Hatcher and Michael Jackson’s attorney? WTF!!

Auburn Pride?

November 21st, 2005 11:13am

Would anyone else care for some humble pie?

So, the Iron Bowl did not go as I had hoped. Honestly, it was painful to watch. But, I have to say that Auburn showed up to play some serious football and that is exactly what they did. My husband and our friend who went to the game said that they were sitting by some Alabama fans who left before the first quarter was over. That is just wrong. I can’t stand “fair weather fans.” No, it’s not been easy to be an Alabama fan in recent years, but I have been and always will be because they are my team. If I’m around to celebrate a win, I have to be there too when we experience a heartbreaking loss. That’s what being a true fan is all about. Also, I think Mike Shula is one of the best things to happen to Alabama football in a while, so that only increases my support for them whether they win or lose.

My dear friend with whom I had the lunch wager called me out at the end of Mass yesterday morning! It was hilarious, but totally embarrassing. Still, it was all in good fun; and that’s really the whole point, isn’t it? Brandon called me immediately after the game and sang the Auburn fight song; then, proceeded to tell me again that I cannot post any retaliatory remarks regarding Aimee’s Ode to Auburn. Whatever, Brandon…I agreed to nothing!

My biggest problem is this: I am fully aware that this is not just an Auburn problem, but since it’s the one that applies as far as my experience goes, I have to comment on AU–what is the deal with all you people who claim to LOVE AUBURN SO MUCH, yet when I return on Monday morning following a home football game I’m wading through YOUR TRASH from your tailgate parties that started the Wednesday afternoon prior to the game? I’m not talking about the toilet paper from rolling Toomer’s Corner; I’m talking about plates, cups, food, bottles, etc. strewn all over this campus. Yeah, seems to me you have no pride in AU or yourself, for that matter. Don’t try to tell me it’s only from the opposing team’s fans either, because I don’t buy that for a second. (P.S. Shame on the opposing teams’ fans for trashing campus too; you have no pride in your team or yourself either–please, never come over to my house!) It’s cold and rainy and yucky outside today, and other human beings have to spend the entire day out in it cleaning up YOUR MESS. So, to the maintenance and clean-up crews: I’m sorry you have to clean up that mess, but it does not go unnoticed, and it is APPRECIATED.

I will now step down off the soapbox, but I do so with one last sentiment:

ROLL TIDE, anyway!

2 Crushing Blows in 1 Weekend

November 20th, 2005 12:37am

Funny how Brandon seems to have forgotten the terms of our agreement rather quickly. First he tried to indicate I had somehow made an agreement not only for myself but also on behalf of Carol. Today, he called me less than 2 minutes after the game was over to let me know he would be forwarding me a list of e-mail addresses to which I am obliged to send my cleverly entitled ode, “Why Auburn is superior to Alabama in many, many ways”. What he seems to have forgotten is that I agreed to post said ode here for all of the world to see (including any Auburn fans he would like to direct here) not to e-mail anyone. Since he does not have a website of his own, HE was instructed to e-mail his friends in the event I won. Not to mention he was all class calling me to gloat mere moments after the final play of the game. In his defense, Auburn fans don’t have much to gloat about, at least not very often. Perhaps the outcome of this game would have been very different if it had taken place earlier in the season, we will never know the answer to that question.

I will get to my ode, and I do apologize for being long winded from the start, but I have to take a moment to address what is really on my mind. After having a great undefeated season, the Prattville Lions lost their bid for the State Championship last night. I was crushed and I am sure the boys were too. It wasn’t that I believed they were invincible; I didn’t. I have such pride in them, in all they have worked for and accomplished. I was sad to see it end, and shocked because it really seemed they would pull it out. I missed seeing the last game (high school anyway) of the most important person in the world to me. I think it was for the best. The one thing I know is he went out on top; he had a great game and he made me proud.

There was a sense of sadness in the air, you could hear it in the crowd and in the voices of those charged with calling the game even over the rather weak internet feed. It wasn’t a kind of let down or disappointment in the team, it was more like a collective kick in the stomach because all of us wanted something spectacular for “our boys”. When the sting wears off, we will all look back on this season and remember the strong points, the achievements of a team with an excellent defense and a nearly unmatched offense. Obviously last night it wasn’t enough, maybe as some say it just wasn’t their time or it wasn’t meant to be. All the same, they gave us a season of hope, a season of dreams, a season of really spectacular games, they made us care about each and every one of them as individuals and as a team, and in the end they made us proud.

Now on to my ode… Read the rest of this entry »